YiMing Zhong 钟奕鸣

Hello, I am Yiming Zhong, a senior undergraduate student at School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University. I am an incoming Master student at the Visual & Data Intelligence (VDI) Center 4DVLab, ShanghaiTech University, in September 2024, advised by Yuexin Ma. I'm currently interested in Artificial Intelligence, Computer vision , Machine learning and their applications in Embodied AI.

Formal Bio     Github     G.Scholar    


Shandong University

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Major: Statistics


ShanghaiTech University

School of Information Science and Technology(SIST)

Visual & Data Intelligence (VDI) Center

Major: Computer Science and Technology



Mathematical Contest In Modeling(MCM), Finalist Grand Prize


China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling(CUMCM), National First Prize